22 February, 2013

Whats in this blog :)

It took soo...long to create my first blog mainly because of procrastination. at last here it is.
My first one "Hello World". I'm excited as this day happens to be my birthday. :-)

So whats in this blog..

I will be mostly sharing my ideas/views, experiences and learning's in the past,present with things that i came/come across..

About Me :

Name : Ganapathy Subramanian R.  [ Call Me Gan or Ganu :-) if you find it long ;-) ]

What I'm doing : I'm currently doing my Masters in Computer Science at UT Dallas. I had my B.Tech in Information Technology from P.S.G Tech, Coimbatore, India.

What I was doing previously:  I was working with Huawei Technologies, India as a Software Engineer developing Next Generation Intelligent Networks :)

What I'm interested on : I'm interested about Networks,  Telecommunications, Big Data, Secure Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems , implementing new ideas, learning new things etc etc...

What I'm currently looking for :  Full time position as a Software Engineer

Hope you can find something useful in this blog and can reach me through LinkedIn.
 My LinkedIn profile : http://www.linkedin.com/in/ganapathysubramanianr.

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