06 September, 2013


Hello World,

Its been a while. I was busy working with Polycom as a Software Developer Intern in a product called Millennium - 360 degree panoramic 1080p video solution which would hit the market shortly. Hopefully everything goes well.

Alrighty... So what I got now..I came across one thing recently which I thought I would share.

So everyone would have used wikipedia atleast once. So how do you print a wiki article?

Open the wiki page  -> Chose Print option from web browser ? Is that what you think...
Won't the pages look disordered with images scattered and contents not justified properly......
What if you want to combine many wiki articles and take printout?
 Do you download all html pages and print each page? Isn't this annoying?

So wiki has come up with this ( I'm not sure when it was ) concept called "Book Creater".
If you had already known about this, there is nothing new I'm gonna tell.
For those who doesn't know about it, go on.

Goto wikipedia.org main page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)
Under Print/Export in left pane, chose create a book -> Start book creater.
Now you can visit any wiki pages you want and add to your book. At the end, this can be downloaded as a pdf which can be later printed or you can read it using your gadgets. Cool isn't it :)

This is such a nice feature which I didn't know earlier :)
Anyways, hope you can make use of this cool stuff.
Take care guys.  Will come up with articles as and when I learn new things or something strikes my mind.

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