14 March, 2013

Dumping my ideas - 1

As you would have noticed in my profile, I used to think a lot on new things by using existing infrastructure both technically and socially. This blog is not about how to cultivate this. May be I can post later on how to develop ourselves.

Okay coming to the topic, I used to discuss ideas with my best pal Arun who is currently a Master's Student at Georgia Tech. But as things get tougher in our grad days, we hardly speak about new ideas currently as we have a lot of grad stuff to do. These ideas run in some swapped block and occasionally/randomly we used to bring it to main memory  :P. There is no specific scheduling algorithm for it.

This is one such idea that we spoke last month. I'm not sure whether this already exists. So, if some one is planning to use this idea let us know before you start as current world is a patent world. :-)

Time Line :

17/2/2013 -> This idea struck my mind.

18/2/2013 -> We spoke about this. Thought about its feasibility and factors.
14/3/2013 -> This blog is written.

Let me explain my idea in subsequent paragraphs.

Everyone loves food :-) There can't be even a single person in the world who can say "I hate eating".
That's the reason food stores/hotels came up with websites where customers can make online orders and get them delivered using delivery guys associated with that shop. Ex : Pizza / Burger shops, Notorious restaurants etc etc.

Then came a new trend of online sites like www.justeat.in whose objective is to make all restaurants to advertise themselves using their platform so that people can purchase stuffs and it gets delivered using the shop-appointed delivery guys. As the site says, all they need is an area name through which they can suggest us shops to purchase or spam us by placing ads.
How do they get paid?
1) They provide a common platform for all guys to create their sites. So the hotels should be paying them.
2)  They can place ads and use click feature to track and charge.
3) They can also charge based on the purchases made to a particular shop.

However the common thing is, if we want to host our shop/hotel/store we need to either create our own site by buying all necessary servers, hiring engineers or  use cloud providers like GApp Engine or AWS or Azure. In this case its justeat as persons use this to advertise their shops but they need to pay for it.

Okay so whats my idea? Before spilling it out, let me give some use-cases on who would be benefited.

1) Contractors who work as delivery guys in shops.
2) Home Makers like our mom.
3) College students and all people who want to work part-time .
4) Restaurants who don't have sufficient capital to invest in website for them.
5) Common person like you and me.
6) The country.

and many more. [ Note : Comment if you have any more use-cases after reading it. ]

To create a website which has the following features.

1) Restaurant owners / Home makers post their foods that are available for sale in this site.
2) Delivery guys register themselves with this site and give their locality preferences for delivering so that he/she is able to see posts only related to his/her region.

Now how things gets delivered?
Common man who needs food looks,orders and pays to the site.
The site posts this requirement in delivery guys section based on locality.
Delivery guys allocates the order to them so that it doesn't gets chosen by other person belonging to same region. The order goes to the required shop/home through all means ( phone call , sms, email etc).

Now delivery guys visits that location picks it and delivers to the required location. Their credibility increases based on customer feed back / delivery of the item. If he doesn't deliver it and haves it for his own purpose he is barred from further correspondence. So we need to authorize these persons through some system [ like tracking them through some unique ID like SSN or Passport Number ].
Also the customer can claim he didn't receive by putting the blame on delivery guys. This can be authorized by delivering guys sending a signal(digital image of signature) to some server confirming the acceptance.

Income factor :

Delivery guys earn through tips as well as site pays him/her based on some factor in food order.
Site earns through may be a factor on usage. For example : If a particular shop / person ships lots of orders, he will be charged more. Similar to Pay when you use model of cloud computing :-)
If some one doesn't get any order, they needn't pay anything.

Now why it can be popular?
a) Delivery guys needn't be bonded to contract. They get paid on number of customers they deliver.

b) Homemakers can make money from home by posting in this site.

c) College students can earn part-time handy money by doing this in their region. Suppose two
persons are in love with each other. The girl can order. The guy delivers it to her home. Lol :P

d) Restaurants who don't have sufficient capital to create their site can try this feature and increase their revenue.

e) Common person like you and me often visits restaurant. Through this site we can do something like this. We can place the order as well as register in the site as delivery person. We visit the shop get the food and also get paid by the site for delivering it. So "we earn for what we eat" :)

f) Finally the country gets benefited as production rate increases and there are lots of persons now with some jobs :)

Isn't this nice or am i missing some things?

I would like to thank one of my friend Karthik on bringing some couple of problems to me.

a) By using this system, delivery guys  gets to know the preferences of persons belonging to a particular locality as he knows both producer & consumer. So he can go on starting his own business of delivery by cutting down the revenue of site-restaurant owner/homemaker. [ like Man in the Middle attack. i.e remaining silent till the connection is made and attacking the person ]

b) .. c)...

I'm in the process of thinking about other attack vectors in this and possible solutions.

I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Please feel free to give your opinions by commenting here :)

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